While you’re busy getting dinner ready, call on your helpers to set the table.
Ages 3-4
Big Reveal Guessing Game
Make playtime more exciting by taking inspiration from our favorite game shows!
Create a Feeling Book
Creating a feelings book teaches kids to label, understand, and model feelings.
Identify Shapes with Detective Role Play
Solve the case of the missing shape by pretend playing as detectives!
Color the Planets
Bring the solar system to life with these printable coloring sheets.
Disappearing Dinner Table
This activity develops your child’s visual memory.
Learning During Laundry
Easy ways to include your kids in your day-to-day life and bake in early learning skills.
Creating Mail for Play at Home
Delivering mail while stuck inside can be a fun learning activity.
Post-it Note I Spy
This activity has five variations. Your notes can be reused for future playtime.
Mess-Free Obstacle Course
This mess-free obstacle course is the perfect partner for your DIY Olympic Medals.
Alphabet Workbook – 52 pages!
Watch as your child learns the letters of the alphabet and develops crucial fine motor skills.
Send Letters to Those You Love
Print these easy-to-use letters to stay in touch with grandparents.